

2016-08-08    06'30''

主播: 口语黑科技

136 9

今日分享---奥运口语汇 Brazile is remarkable and famous for its samba football in the world! 巴西以桑巴足球闻名世界! 口语技巧:bra'zile:重音和短促发音i; Host country主办国;host city:主办城市 奥运项目--Event of Olympics; Olympic spirit; Olympics=Olympic games奥林匹克运动会; 奥运精神; Olympic rings/Torch奥运五环/火炬; China is good at the events of lifting ,diving ,badminton and table tennies ! 举重、跳水、羽毛球和兵乓球都是中国的的强项; Dope:禁药 Doping;服用禁药 Doper;服用禁药运动员 So,my dear guys,What is your favourite event in the Olympics? 口语分享:Olympic:m口语可以憋音弱读:p发音有点浊化:p和b之间发音; Rio De Janeiro;里约日内卢; Brazile巴西; Brazilian巴西人的; Venues:体育比赛场馆; Stadium;体育场; Carnival;嘉年华:Party animal派对; opening ceremony ;开幕式; Closing Ceremony:闭幕式; 分享一些运动项目: Swimming:游泳; diving;跳水; Track and field:田径; Lifting举重; Table tennies(Ping Pong) Hurdle;110-metre hurdle;110m跨栏; Javelin:标枪; Gymnastic:体操; Badminton;羽毛球; fencing:击剑; Air rifle气步枪; Air pistol:气手枪; Zhang mengxue(张梦雪)Gets the first gold medal in the 10-metre event of air pistol for China in Rio olympics ! 奖牌表达: Gold medal silver medal Bronze medal; 希望这期奥运主题口语分享可以给小伙伴们一些口语学习的帮助哦,喜欢要点赞和转发、分享更多身旁小伙伴哦! 最后安慰孙杨一下:I think the most important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to enjoy and struggle with great efforts! 奥林匹克运动会最重要的事情不是输赢,而是拼劲全力的享受就可以啦^_^ 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~