The lights are on but nobody's home

The lights are on but nobody's home

2018-04-20    01'54''

主播: MrYang杨家成

6727 69

Hello everyone! I’m MrYang. How’s everyone doing? Summer is coming soon, better get that fit body back! 大家好我是杨老师。夏天快到了,身材练好了没有? 欢迎来到英语客套话。 Today we’re gonna learn another very easy to use English phrase. 今天又要教大家一句非常简单的英语 It’s… The lights are on but nobody’s home 这人笨笨的 How do you use it you ask? It’s very easy. Here’s how: A: I can’t really learn in class, the teacher seems weird B: If you ask me, he really has no clue! A: Tell me about it! It’s like the lights are on but nobody’s home. B: Don’t do that!!! The lights are on but nobody’s home Now, you try. The lights are on but nobody’s home Very good guys! And that concludes today’s lesson. I’m MrYang and as always, keep learning! 这里是英语客套话 我是杨老师 好好学习 我们下次见 good bye!