Young and beautiful

Young and beautiful

2016-06-22    03'35''

主播: 番西英语

130 7

如果我不再年轻美丽,你还会爱我么。如果我变得富有,你会回来爱我么。 金钱,爱情,标准的美国梦。为了得到逝去的爱情盖茨比为前者奔波,本以为黛茜只是让金钱蒙蔽了心灵,憧憬着旧情复燃,认为形容他们未来的必然是好多好多好多的褒义词。 鲜艳的花开放期往往不长,斑斓的情人也易凋谢。她爱的不是你,只是和你在一起的挥霍与刺激。 黛茜是盖茨比美丽的梦想。如果没有黛茜,盖茨比不会那般努力奋斗,变得富有。像《美国丽人》一样,每个美国男人都有个YY的梦想,她可以是件东西,是件事,是个美国姑娘。两者相同的是,两个白痴般的男主都在自己心中的理想幸福现实中的伪幸福中死去。不怪编剧的残忍,只怪物欲的普遍化。 I've seen the world 看过繁华 Done it all, had my cake now 历经沧桑 Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now 金钱,功名,以及看似奢华的一切 Hot summer nights mid July 仲夏午夜 When you and I were forever wild 疯狂的我们 The crazy days, the city lights 放纵的时光,城市的灯火 The way you'd play with me like a child 我们如孩提般嬉戏的时光 Will you still love me 你是否还爱我 when I'm no longer young and beautiful 若我青春不再,容颜已老 Will you still love me 你是否还爱我 when I got nothing but my aching soul 当我一无所有只剩残骸悲伤 I know you will, I know you will 我知道你会,我知道你会 I know that you will 你会的 Will you still love me 你是否还爱我 when I'm no longer beautiful 若我青春不再,容颜已老 I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now 看透世界仿佛将她舞台般点亮 Channeling angels in, the new age now 演员入场,时代交替 Hot summer days, rock and roll 炎热夏日,激情四射 The way you'd play for me at your show 你给我看的表演 And all the ways I got to know 和那一切憧憬的 Your pretty face and electric soul 你美丽的面庞和心灵 Dear lord when I get to heaven 主啊,请将我升入天堂 Please let me bring my man 且允许我带上我的爱人 When he comes tell me that you'll let him in 当他到来,请告诉我 Father tell me if you can 如果可以请告诉我 Oh that grace, oh that body 他那优雅,那轮廓 Oh that face makes me wanna party 那脸庞,都让我心动不已 He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds 他是我的太阳,赐予我钻石般的光芒