

2017-01-03    15'22''

主播: 💟冰糖葫芦💟

389 7

背景音乐 《I only want to be with you》—— Shelby Lynne The first one is: relationship is the hard work. It’s an illusion to think that the most important thing is finding the right relationship. It is more important to cultivate that one chosen relationship. And just like we would not thrive, succeed at work, if we said,” well, I just found my dream job.” And the put our legs up and relax. Similarly we would not thrive in a relationship, if we have the finding mindset. We just need to find it and we will live happily ever after, as we talked about movies and where love begins.   The second component of a healthy, lasting and passionate relationship related to the first one is the notion of being known rather than being validated. Expressing rather than impressing, being open, revealing our weakness as well as our strengths, our desires, our passions, our fears and insecurities.   The third component of a healthy relationship is that there are conflicts there. It is an illusion to believe that the ideal relationship is one that is conflict free that doesn’t exist, unless both partners are suppressing serious issues. The challenge is to have more positivity than negativity of course in a relationship, but also to learn how to be in the midst of disagreement, how to have conflict. And finally, the fourth point that we talked about was positive perception, being a benefit finder, and more than that, being a benefit creator.