

2015-09-06    12'31''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1873 314

在雅思口语考试中,词汇Lexical resource,是非常重要的一个考核点。 · 词汇量:也就是说你是否有足够词汇储备来回答考官提出的每一个问题。 · 准确率:Flexibility & precision: · idiomatic usage:也就是地道表达。 · Paraphrase: · Style,比如: e.g. What do you have in your room? I possess /pə&`&zes/…OR I am in possession of … OR I’ve got … · Collocation 搭配。比如 o The fast train (not the quick train) o A quick shower (not a fast shower) o Commit suicide (not undertake suicide) o Burst into tears (not blow up in tears) o The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking. o I always try to do my homework in the morning, after making my bed. 例句:I am feeling a bit under the weather 释意:under the weather – somewhat indisposed, slightly ill or prone to illness。 例句:Sorry, I don&`&t think I can make it to the dinner tonight. Can we take a rain check? 释意:take a rain check – to rearrange a meeting or a date 例句:I always walk to school, come rain or shine. 释意:come rain or shine – no matter what the weather or situation is 例句:News headline: Fewer Britons saving for a rainy day 释意:save for a rainy day – to save for a time in the future when it might be needed 例句:I was excited about the weekend but then, of course, my boss came along and rained on my parade 释意: rain on my parade – ruin my pleasure or plans 例句:The sky is the limit 释意: the sky is the limit - there is no limit to what something or someone can achieve 例句:When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine 释意: on cloud nine ; - extremely happy 例句:I lost my job last week, but every cloud has a silver lining and now I have time to visit my friends in Australia! 释意:every cloud has a silver lining - You can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you;and there is always a reason to hope, even in the worst situations. 例句:I don&`&t want to go to school tomorrow. Let&`&s throw caution to the wind, and go to the beach! 释意: throw caution to the wind - forget all your commitments and do something crazy 例句:Let’s just say it’s not the first time you’ve stolen my thunder 释意: steal one’s thunder - You took the attention away from me 例句:I&`&ve tidied the kitchen but it&`&s just the tip of the iceberg 释意:the tip of the iceberg - there is much more to the problem than is immediately obvious.