

2015-09-09    21'31''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1974 300

Describe an important conversation you had. You should say: who you had the conversation with; when and where you had the conversation; what you talked about; and explain why you think it was an important conversation. Important :影响或者改变你某个方面的决定和态度的 决定方面: 学习:选/换专业、大学、留学、读研、读博 工作:选/换公司、岗位、城市、创业 生活: When a large sum of money is involved – 留学,买房子 When a substantial commitment is involved – 结婚 生子 养宠物 When there is an element of serious risk - 投资,买房 When there is danger of hurt to individuals – 离婚,分手,独自生活(搬离父母) 态度方面: 调整心情,直面失败,直面失恋,甚至是对待生死疾病 改变对某个考试的态度, 改变生活习惯,比如晚睡,不运动,吃垃圾食品,玩手机,打游戏,拖延症,过于内向等 相比之下决定更直接,更具体,更容易说清楚。 I wanna talk about a conversation I had with my parents regarding the decision to study abroad. It was over a year ago, when I was in my second year in university, my parents and I had a long talk about whether I should pursue further education abroad, say in the UK. I was thrilled when I first heard the idea - “studying abroad”. For me, that would be a life-changing decision. It was important, because, first of all, my parents made me realize that studying abroad was not something fancy and glamourous, it was actually a huge challenge, especially when it comes to the language barrier. At that time, I was just a mediocre student, who didn’t excel in English at all. We talked about whether I could handle studying a professional degree AND having a life in English at the same time. We all felt that I should gave myself sometime to study English, and see how it would go. Gladly, I am now getting the hang of it. Another reason why it was important was that studying abroad was not simply a personal decision, it was rather a family one. I mean, it would require a huge sum of money. For an ordinary family like mine, it means my parents’ lifelong savings. My parents were really visionary on this aspect. They said it was not just about how much I earned in the first three or five years, it was about having a global vision, and a stronger potential to grow. If we saw studying abroad as a long term investment, it would be worthwhile, as long as I made the most of it. I was really glad we had this frank talk, and I was grateful to my parents for all their support.
上一期: 重读和语调
下一期: 你想对老师说什么?