

2015-09-30    18'17''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1501 285

★ Fun vs. funny : ~Steve:That was funny, the other day. ~Miranda:Yeah, it was fun. Wait, did you it fun or funny. ~Steve:I said funny, but I think I meant fun. ~The party was fun. ~Mike is a lot of fun.That was a fun party. Mike is a fun guy. ~Chandler is a funny guy. ~ Do you mean funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? ★interesting: special, unique, exciting, something worth talking about, something that makes you think. ★ Hear vs. listen; know vs. find out ~We heard a strange noise in the middle of the night. ~Last night, I listened to my new Taylor Swift CD. ~Where did you find out that she cheated in the exam? ~I want to travel round the world and get to know people from different countries. (NOT …and know people from …) ~He’s from Singapore, as you can tell from his accent. ★ In case vs. if œ ~Let’s buy a bottle of wine in case Mike comes. œ ~Let’s buy a bottle of wine if Mike comes. œ ~People insure their houses in case they catch fire. ~People telephone the fire brigade if their houses catch fire. ​ ​★ Grateful vs. thankful ~I’m thankful that we got home before the sand storm started. ~We feel thankful that she didn’t marry him after all. ~I am grateful for all your help. ~She wasn’t a bit grateful to me for all the things I did for her. ​ ​★ Satisfactory vs. satisfying ​ ~a satisfactory meal – meet your minimum requirement ~a satisfying meal – give you pleasure ~The working conditions are satisfactory (the working conditions are not bad.) ~The working conditions are satisfying (Everything is perfect. I love this place)