

2015-10-21    18'51''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1154 268

Describe a time you borrowed something useful from others. You should say: what you borrowed; who you borrowed it from; what you borrowed it for; and explain why it was useful to you. ▲To borrow/lend ▲To rent/hire/let I wanna say something about a time I borrowed a small bag from a close friend. It was actually an anti-theft sling pouch that could be worn around the hip. I needed it because I was about to make a trip to Italy, and according to my knowledge, Italy didn’t have the best reputation when it comes to petty theft, say pickpocketing or bag snatching. One of my close friends Michelle had been around a bit, and when she heard about my travelling plans, she suggested that I shall consider wearing something like a hip-belt bag, that could hold all the essentials, including my passport, credit cards, and cash. And she said she would be happy to lend me hers. Since it was my first time travelling abroad, I thought I shall listen to others, especially someone who was a savvy traveler. It proved very useful during my trip in Italy. The bag was absolutely brilliant. It kept everything safe, especially my passport and credit card, which I couldn’t afford to lose. On top of that, it totally freed my hands up. Besides, borrowing the pouch saved me quite some money. Even though it wouldn’t cost me an arm and a leg, it would still require a considerable amount of money, if I wanted something good looking and durable. Considering the money I’d spent on flights, hotels and visa, it was a wise idea to borrow one, especially when someone close had generously offered. I was so grateful to Michelle for her suggestion and generosity.