

2015-12-17    16'11''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

2866 277

Describe a story someone told you when you were a child. • I’d like to talk about a fairy tale that my grandpa told me when I was little. Describe a party you would like to hold. • I’ve been thinking about throwing a … party for … at ... Describe an interesting radio program you like. • The radio program I&`&d like to talk about is called BBC learning English, which is broadcast on a daily basis on channel xxx. Describe something you do to keep healthy. • I’d like to say sth about jogging, which is something I’ve been doing for over a year. Describe a rule at school you agree/disagree. • I would like to talk about a rule that is extremely necessary in residence halls. That is, students should return to the dorm before 10 p.m. Otherwise, they would be kept out of the dorm. Describe a recent event that made you happy. • Well, I just celebrated my 20th birthday last week, so I’m gonna talk about my birthday party which really made me happy. Describe a time when you or someone you know made a wrong decision. • To tell the truth, I’ve made quite a few wrong decisions in my life, and the one I’d like to talk about here concerns my experience of… Describe a science subject you had in school or university. • This topic reminds me of my hard time of studying physics in high school. I have to admit that physics is really an essential subject. But to be honest, it was the last subject I would ever like to study. Describe an important plant in your country • Well, there are lots of plants which are important to people in my country, such as peonies, orchids, pines and cypresses, to name a few. They are all beautiful as well as ornamental. But what I am going to talk about is a lot more common and practical. It is …