

2016-06-10    08'13''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

3195 143

GP=general practitioner, prescription (处方药) pharmacy(药房) • I have an upset stomach. • I have a wheezing cough. • I have a rash on my neck. • I&`&m having chest pains. • I&`&m having trouble sleeping. • I&`&ve been having excruciating headaches for the last few days. • I&`&m running a fever of 102 degrees. • I&`&ve been vomiting for the last 12 hours. • I feel lightheaded. • I feel kind of nauseous. • I get this sharp pain in my shoulder whenever I raise my arm. • I sometimes get dull, throbbing headaches. • My ankle is red and swollen. • My nose is stuffy. • My muscles are sore. cough 咳嗽,flu 流感,diarrhea 腹泻,constipation 便秘,allergies 过敏,hayfever 花粉症, arthritis 关节炎, obesity 肥胖症,OCD 强迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder,diabetes 糖尿病