

2016-07-14    10'47''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1543 134

1. Pass with Flying Colors I passed my end-of-semester exams with flying colours! 2. Make the Grade I didn’t make the grade for the final assignment, so I have to do it all over again! 3. Learn By Heart and Learn by Rote I can’t believe you learnt the whole play by heart! Well done! I had to learn our history textbook by rote just before the exam. 4. EAGER BEAVER Mary is such an eager beaver. She’s always the first one to come and the last to leave the classroom. 5. A for Effort The plan didn&`&t work, but I&`&ll give you an A for effort for trying. 6. COVER A LOT OF GROUND We have to complete our research within the next month. We still have a lot of ground to cover, and I fear we may not get everything done in time. 7. HIT THE BOOKS I hit the books as soon as I knew the date of the exam. 8. GOOF OFF / GOOF AROUND I spent all of last week goofing around, and now I‘m panicking the day before the test!