儿歌和游戏05 We All Fall Down

儿歌和游戏05 We All Fall Down

2016-05-18    01'57''

主播: Lucas Chen

204 4

(Make a big circle.) Walk around the circle. (Walk in a circle.) Walk around the circle. Walking, walking. We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.) (Everybody stands up.) GALLOP! Gallop around the circle. (Gallop like a horse.) Gallop around the circle. Galloping, galloping. We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.) (Everybody stands up.) TIPTOE! Tiptoe around the circle. (Walk quietly on your toes and whisper.) Tiptoe around the circle. Tiptoe, tiptoe. We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground, and stay there for the next verse.) (yawn) I'm so sleepy! (Yawn and stretch.) Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. (Pretend to be falling asleep.) I'm so sleepy. (yawn) (snore) (Everybody pretends to sleep.) (When the alarm clock goes off, say "Wake up!" Everybody "wakes up" and stands up.) HOP! Hop around the circle. (Hop.) Hop around the circle. Hopping, hopping. We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.) TWIRL! Twirl around the circle. (Spin around and around in circles.) Twirl around the circle. Twirling, twirling. We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.) HOP and TWIRL! Hop around the circle. (Hop.) Twirl around the circle. (Twirl.) Hopping, twirling. (Hop and twirl.) We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)