英语听力入门系列 01 Kitten's First Full Moon

英语听力入门系列 01 Kitten's First Full Moon

2016-07-01    02'43''

主播: Lucas Chen

427 13

It was kitten's first full moon. When she saw it, she thoght, there is a little bowl of milk in the sky. And she wanted it. So she closed her eyes and stretched her neck and opened her mouth and licked. But kitten only ended up with a bug on her tongue. Poor Kitten! Still, therewas the little bowl of milk , just waiting. So she pulled herdelf together and wiggled her bottom and sprang from the top step of the porch. But Kitten only tumbled bumping her nose and banging her ear and pinching her tail. Still there was the bowl of milk just waiting So she chased it - down the sidewalk throught the garden, past the field and by the pond. But Kitten never seemed to get closer, Poor Kitten! Still thetewas the little bowl of milk just waiting So she ran the tallest tree she could find and she climbed climbed and climbed to the very top. But Kittem still couldn't reach the bowl of milk, and now she wad scared. Poor Kitten! What could she do. Then in the pond Kitten saw another bowl of milk. And it was bigger . What a night! So she raced down the tree and through the grass and raced to the edge of the pond and leaped with all her might -- Poor Kitten! She wad was wet amd sad and tired amd hungry. So she went back home-- and there was a great big bowl of milk on the porch Just waiting for her. Lucky Kitten ! What a night!