

2015-10-16    05'20''

主播: Read with You

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各位听众大家好,欢迎收听荔枝FM156 8293,陪你读书。聆听英文图书里的最新资讯,分享你与书的故事。 读书是件很私人的事情,只要你需要,我们都在这里,陪你读书,陪着你读书。一本书,一句书里的灵魂,我是肖桐,我在北京,陪你读书。 今天陪你来读《商业冒险--华尔街的12个经典故事》。 As is well known to the millions of Americans who have bought shares in mutual funds over the past two decades or so, they provide a way for small investors to pool their resources under expert management; the small investor buys shares in a fund, and the fund uses the money to buy stocks and stands ready to redeem to the investor's shares at their current asset value whenever he chooses. In a serous stock market decline, the reasoning went, small investors would want to get their money out of the stock market and would therefore ask for redemption of their shares; in order to raise the cash necessary to meet the redemption demands, the mutual funds would have to sell some of their stocks; these sales would lead to a further stock market decline, causing more holders of fund shares to demand redemption – and so on down into a more up-to-date version of the bottomless pit. 译文: 不少在过去的二十多年买过信托基金的美国人都知道,信托投资帮助小额投资者以专业的方式将资金聚集并管理。他们将钱投入信托,信托公司用他们的钱购买股票,然后将收益以当时的资产值回馈给他们。当股票市场不景气时,小额投资者就会想要将钱从股票市场收回,因此就会要求信托公司将他们之前的投资退还给他们;信托公司为了能够将资金返还给投资者们,只能将他们的股票卖掉,但这就导致股票市场更加不景气,接下来就会有更多的基金持有者要求将钱收回,这便构成了一种恶性循环。 小编插嘴: 有人说21世纪以来最重要的三本财经书分别是:《商业冒险》,《从0到1》,《21世纪资本论》,其中《商业冒险》是比尔·盖茨、巴菲特最喜爱的商业书。华尔街不仅是金融的战场,也是人性的试验场,这里每天都上演着一夜暴富或身败名裂的华丽戏剧。作者约翰•布鲁克斯选择了华尔街上12个最富戏剧性的时刻,以小说的笔法叙述了这个舞台上的奇谋、诡计、泡沫、欺诈、贪婪、崩溃、坚持、不甘。 近期的股市是让你欣喜若狂呢?还是让你欲哭无泪呢?快搬个凳子来看看股市到底是什么样子的吧,来真正体验一下传说中的商业冒险到底是什么感觉。 关注我们的微信公众号:readwithyou123,新浪微博:陪你读书工作室,就可以成为陪你读书的会员,找到你爱的那本书,点击【阅读原文】,或相应网页链接,就可以前往上海外文书店官网,微信日期推送两周内,陪你读书会员有特价专享哦! 欣赏了今天的金句,编辑还有话说,她说:keep up the good work, we will do it again tomorrow. 今天我们就读到这里,感谢大家收听荔枝 FM1568293,陪你读书。聆听英文图书里的最新资讯,分享你与书的故事。祝大家读本好书,睡个好觉,一觉醒来还有期待。