各位听众大家好,欢迎收听荔枝FM156 8293,陪你读书。聆听英文图书里的最新资讯,分享你与书的故事。
As is well known to the millions of Americans who have bought shares in mutual funds over the past two decades or so, they provide a way for small investors to pool their resources under expert management; the small investor buys shares in a fund, and the fund uses the money to buy stocks and stands ready to redeem to the investor's shares at their current asset value whenever he chooses. In a serous stock market decline, the reasoning went, small investors would want to get their money out of the stock market and would therefore ask for redemption of their shares; in order to raise the cash necessary to meet the redemption demands, the mutual funds would have to sell some of their stocks; these sales would lead to a further stock market decline, causing more holders of fund shares to demand redemption – and so on down into a more up-to-date version of the bottomless pit.
欣赏了今天的金句,编辑还有话说,她说:keep up the good work, we will do it again tomorrow.
今天我们就读到这里,感谢大家收听荔枝 FM1568293,陪你读书。聆听英文图书里的最新资讯,分享你与书的故事。祝大家读本好书,睡个好觉,一觉醒来还有期待。