Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond
【原文】Chapter Three --- Mr Henry Baker 04
Mr Baker smiled, "I'm sorry. Advertisements are expensive and I haven't got a lot of money these days. I had once, but not now," he went on. "And, well, I thought those young men in Tottenham Court Road had my hat and my goose, and I didn't want to put an expensive advertisement in the newspaper for nothing."
"I understand," said Holmes, "Now, before we say more, I must tell you something about your goose, Mr Baker. I'm sorry but ... well ... we ate it yesterday, you know."
"You ate it!" said our visitor, and he stood up excitedly.
"Yes, well, we didn't want it to go bad, you see. But we bought a nice new goose this morning for you. It's on the table there by the door. Is that all right for you?"
"Oh, yes, yes!" said Mr Baker happily. He sat down again.
"And, let's see, I think we have your old goose's feet, head and everything from inside it in the kitchen. Do you want those?
The man laughed. "No, no," he said. "But I'd like to take that nice new goose home with me, thank you very much."