Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond
【原文】Chapter Five --- A Weak Little Man 02
"No, but one was my goose, I tell you," cried the little man.
"Then ask Mrs Oakshott for it."
"But she told me 'Ask Mr Breckinridge for it.'"
"Well, that's nothing to do with me. I don't want to hear any more from you. Do you understand? Now go away!"
Breckinridge closed his shop door angrily and the little man ran off down the dark street.
"Perhaps we don't need to visit Mrs Oakshott in Brixton Road after all," said Holmes to me quickly. Let's talk to that man. Perhaps he can help us."
Holmes walked quickly up behind the little man and put a hand on his shoulder. The man stopped and looked back over his shoulder at us. His face was white.
"Who are you? What do you want?" he asked weakly.
"Excuse me," said Holmes. "But I heard your questions to that shop owner. I think I can help you."
"Who are you? And how can you help me?"
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. And it's my job to know things other people don't know."
"But, you can't know anything about this!"
"Excuse me, I know everything. You want to find twenty-four geese. Mrs Oakshott of Brixton Road sold them to Mr Breckinridge here. He sold them to Mr Windigate, the owner of the Alpha, and Mr Windigate sold them to the people in his goose club."
"Oh, sir. This is wonderful. I'm very happy to meet you," said the little man excitedly. "You're right. I am very interested in those geese. More than I can say."