Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond
【原文】Chapter Six --- One or Two Questions 01
When we arrived at 221B Baker Street, we got out of the cab and went in. Back in his sitting room, Holmes spoke at last.
"Please sit down, Mr Ryder. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. You want to know what happened to those twenty-four geese. Or perhaps, what happened to one of those geese? You are interested in only one bird, I think. A white goose with a black tail."
"Oh, sir," Ryder said excitedly. "Where did that bird go to?"
"It came here. And it was a most interesting bird. We found something in it after it died. The most wonderful thing. Here it is."
Our visitor stood up weakly. Holmes opened his safe and took out the blue diamond. In his hand it was cold and beautiful. Ryder looked at the jewel but said nothing.
Holmes spoke for him, "We know it was you, Ryder," he said. "Sit down and have a drink. You look very weak."