Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond
【原文】Chapter Six --- One or Two Questions 04
"But how can I walk across London with the diamond?" I thought. "I can&`&t have it in my pocket. Not with all those police officers in the streets." Then I looked down at the geese in the garden and I thought of something.
I knew one of those geese was for me, for my Christmas dinner. So I decided to take my goose there and then, and not to wait for it.
I quickly caught a big white goose with a black tail. Then I took the diamond from my pocket and put it into the bird&`&s mouth. I felt the jewel go down its neck. With the diamond now inside the goose I felt happy. I could walk to Kilburn and back easily.
Then my sister came into the garden.
"What are you doing with that goose?" she said.
I put my bird down and it ran off with the other geese. "That&`&s the goose I want for Christmas," I said.
"Very well. Catch it, kill it and take it with you," she said.
Well, Mr Holmes. I caught that bird, killed it and took it with me to Kilburn. There I told my friend Maudsley all about the diamond and he laughed and laughed. We got a knife and opened the goose but we couldn&`&t find the diamond. I knew then something was wrong.