

2019-06-26    05'42''

主播: Mike老迈袭常英语

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【双语道德经 第五十章】 The Bilingual  TAO TE CHING, Chapter 50   著者:(春秋)Lao Tse老子 译者:(英)James Legge(詹姆斯.理雅各),1891年. The Bilingual  TAO TE CHING von Lao Tse. English interpretation by James Legge, 1891.   【古文】 出生入死。生之徒,十有三。死之徒,十有三。人之生,动之于死地,亦十有三。 夫何故?以其生,生之厚。 盖闻善摄生者,陆行不遇凶虎,入军不被甲兵。 凶无所投其角。虎无所用其爪。 兵无所容其刃。夫何故?以其无死地。   【英文】    Men come forth and live ; they enter ( again ) and die .    Of every ten three are ministers of life ( to themselves ) ; and three are ministers of death .    There are also three in every ten whose aim is to live , but whose movements rend to the land ( or place ) of death . And for what reason ? Because of their excessive endeavours to perpetuate life .    But I have heard that he who is skilful in managing the life entrusted to him for a time travels on the land without having to shun rhinoceros or tiger , and enters a host without having to avoid buff coat or sharp weapon . The rhinoceros finds no place in him into which to thrust its horn , nor the tiger a place in which to fix its claws , nor the weapon a place to admit its point . And for what reason ? Because there is in him no place of death .   【今译】 人从一出生就进入了走向死亡的道路。这其中,活着的这一类人,大约十有其三;已死亡的这一类人,大约十有其三;自然寿命应该更长却因为自己擅为而死亡的,大约十有其三。这是什么缘故呢?因为他们过度重视能活着以致无不用其极。据说,善于养护自己生命的人,在陆地上行走,不会遇到凶恶的犀牛和猛虎,在战争中也受不到兵器的伤害。犀牛对他无处投角,老虎对他无处伸爪,兵器对他无处用锋刃。为什么会这样呢?因为他身上没有可以致死的地方。       Xichang Academy 袭常书院   The MISSION使命: Integrating Chinese and Western Culture and Inheriting Chinese wisdom 融会中西文化,传承中国智慧                                               The SCHOOL MOTTO校训: Fortitude, Stability and Salience. Earnestly carry it into practice. 刚毅坚卓,勤而行之   The MAXIM座右铭: Nothing can take the place of persistence. 毅力无可替代   The VALUES价值观: Gratitude感恩,Altruism利他,Simple简约,Nature自然   The VISION愿景: Build up the most effective bilingual platform, Act as a ambassador in the exchange of Chinese and western cultures. 打造最实效的双语平台,做中西文化交流的使者     (Mike老迈荔枝播客FM1570981)