

2019-06-27    06'13''

主播: Mike老迈袭常英语

298 15

【双语道德经 第五十二章】 The Bilingual  TAO TE CHING, Chapter 52 著者:(春秋)老子 译者:(英)James Legge(詹姆斯.理雅各),1891 The Bilingual  TAO TE CHING von Lao Tse English interpretation by James Legge, 1891   【古文】 天下有始,以为天下母。既得其母,以知其子。 既知其子,复守其母,没身不殆。 塞其兑,闭其门,终身不勤。 开其兑,济其事,终身不救。 见小曰明,守柔曰强。 用其光,复归其明,无遗身殃。是为袭常。   【英文】  (The Dao ) which originated all under the sky is to be considered as the mother of them all .      When the mother is found , we know what her children should be . When one knows that he is his mother’s child , and proceeds to guard ( the qualities of ) the mother that belong to him , to the end of his life he will be free from all peril . Let him keep his mouth closed , and shut up the portals ( of his nostrils ), and all his life he will be exempt from laborious exertion . Let him keep his mouth open , and ( spend his breath ) in the promotion of his affairs , and all his life there will be no safety for him . The perception of what is small is ( the secret of ) clear-sightedness ; the guarding of what is soft and tender is ( the secret of ) strength . Who uses well his light , Reverting to its ( source so ) bright , Will from his body ward all blight , And hides the unchanging from men’s sight .   【白话文】 天下万物皆有本始,应该将这个本始看成天下万物之母。既然得其母,就能认识她的孩子(天下万物);如果认识她的孩子,又能遵守母亲的道规,这样就会终身无危。 堵住嘴巴少说话,打开家门为欲望去奔波,那就终身不可救药。能见微知著是“明”,能守柔弱是“强”。 用大道的玄鉴之光内照自己,使自己的心智复归于清醒,这样就可以不给自己留下后患。这就是人们常说的继承常道。     Xichang Academy 袭常书院   The MISSION使命: Integrating Chinese and Western Culture and Inheriting Chinese wisdom 融会中西文化,传承中国智慧                                               The SCHOOL MOTTO校训: Fortitude, Stability and Salience. Earnestly carry it into practice. 刚毅坚卓,勤而行之   The MAXIM座右铭: Nothing can take the place of persistence. 毅力无可替代   The VALUES价值观: Gratitude感恩,Altruism利他,Simple简约,Nature自然   The VISION愿景: Build up the most effective bilingual platform, Act as a ambassador in the exchange of Chinese and western cultures. 打造最实效的双语平台,做中西文化交流的使者     (Mike老迈荔枝播客FM1570981)