No.20 餐后结账

No.20 餐后结账

2016-02-12    10'25''

主播: Nicole林小白

697 67

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) 今天我来请客吧。This is my treat. 或This is on me. 或I’ll take care of the bill.这 我们要各付各的。Separate checks, please. 或Let’s split splɪt it today. 我要结账。Pay the bill, please. 或May I have my bill, please? 这张账单好像有错。I think there’s a mistake in the bill. 我可以用这张卡付款吗?Can I pay with this card? 我可以直接在这里结账吗?Can I pay at the table? 收银台在哪里?Where is the cashier?     总共多少钱?How much is it altogether?