No.25 搭乘出租车用语

No.25 搭乘出租车用语

2016-03-15    12'54''

主播: Nicole林小白

419 46

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) 出租车停靠站 taxi stand 出租车停靠站在哪里?     Where is the taxi stand? 在哪里可以招到出租车?   Where can I catch a taxi? 请帮我叫辆出租车,好吗? Can you call a taxi for me?   ——Where to? 去哪里? ——To the national museum, please./To this address, please./Please take me to this place. 那到XX要多久? How long does it take to get to… 到机场要多久啊? How long does it take to get to the airport? 到机场多少钱?   How much is the fare to the airport? 三点以前能到机场吗?Can I get to the airport by 3 o’clock? 我在赶时间,可以开快一点吗? I’m in a hurry. Would you hurry, please? 我三点前要到机场,我们赶得上吗? I’ve got to be at the airport by 3 o’clock. Can we make it? 还要多久? How much longer will it take? 我在这里下车。Stop here, please./Let me off here, please. 不用找零钱了。 Keep the change. 可以给我收据吗? May I have a receipt?   和搭出租车相关的单词及词汇:后备箱trunk,安全带safety belt,红绿灯traffic lights,十字路口intersection, 出租车费taxi fare