No.26 搭乘地铁用语

No.26 搭乘地铁用语

2016-03-23    07'58''

主播: Nicole林小白

481 52

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) 地铁的说法有这么几种:subway, metro, underground, tube. 最近的地铁站在哪里? Where is the nearest subway station?   May I have a subway route map? 我可以拿一份地铁的路线图吗? What line should I take to go to… 用来表达我去xx地方,要乘哪条线。 What line should I take to go to Central Park? 去中央公园要乘哪一条线? Where do I change trains to go to…… 表示去XX在哪里转车。 Where do I change trains to go to Wall Street? 去华尔街要在哪里转车? Does this train go to……/ Does this train stop at…… Does this train go to Times Square? /Does this train stop at Times Square? 这趟地铁是不是去往时代广场? Which exit should I take for City Hall? 去市政府的出口是哪一个? Which exit should I take for……   搭乘地铁可能会涉及到的一些单词及词汇:地铁站,subway station,自动售票机ticket machine, 人工售票窗口 ticket window, 路线图 route map, 站台platform,时刻表timetable,检票口 gate