No.30 旅行观光、参观景点

No.30 旅行观光、参观景点

2016-04-19    10'55''

主播: Nicole林小白

494 51

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) 景点spot 售票处ticket sales或ticket 门票admission fee(admission是许可、入场的意思)或entrance fee 不同票种的说法:学生票student ticket,成人票adult ticket,儿童票 children ticket 入口entrance,出口exit 开放时间 opening hours 博物馆几点开门? When is the museum opening hours? 或What time does the museum open? 今天博物馆开门吗?Does the museum open today? 这个景点的开放时间是怎样的?What time does it open and close? 门票多少钱? How much is the admission fee?或How much is the entrance fee? 请给我一张学生票。One student ticket, please. 请给我两张成人票和三张儿童票。Two adults and three children, please. 入口在哪里?Where is the entrance? 往这里走没错吧?Is this the correct way? 我可以到这栋建筑物里面去吗? Can I go into this building? 古迹建筑 historic building What’s that building? 那栋建筑物是什么? When was it built? 它是什么时候建造的? How old is it? 它有多久历史了? What’s it famous for? 它是以什么闻名的? Where is the gift shop? 哪里有礼品店?