No.42 境外租车询价及保险

No.42 境外租车询价及保险

2016-07-19    11'03''

主播: Nicole林小白

360 37

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) What’s the rate? / How much does it cost?  租车费用是多少? gas 油费 insurance保险费 car insurance车险 Does it include gas? 含油费吗? Does the price include insurance? 含保险吗? I’d like to buy insurance. 我想要买保险。 Am I fully covered in case of an accident? 如果发生事故,保险公司会全部赔付吗? What’s the extra charge if I don’t return it on time? 如果车没有准时归还的话,逾期的费用怎么算? Where do I return the car? 我要在哪里还车? When do I have to return the car? 最迟是什么时候还车? 租约rental agreement 租金rental charge