I am invited to a party

I am invited to a party

2016-02-21    03'40''

主播: 柚子绘本屋

1116 27

I Am Invited to a Party Gerald! Look! Look! I am invited to a party! Cool! It is cool. Will you go with me? I have never been to a party. I will go with you. I know parties. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! Wait! What if it is a fancy party? We must be ready. Really? I know parties. He knows parties. Is this fancy? VERY FANCY. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! Wait! What if it is a pool party? A fancy pool party? WE MUST BE READY!!! I know parties. He knows parties. How is this? We will make a splash. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! Wait! What if it is a costume party? A fancy pool costume party? WE MUST BE READY!!! He had better know parties... Now can we go to the party? Yes. Now we are ready. Well, that is a surprise. You do know parties! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!