The Wheels on the Bus

The Wheels on the Bus

2016-07-16    04'47''

主播: 爱阅读开心妈

354 3

想交流英文启蒙或购买原版英文绘本,可添加微信summer-laughter或关注微信公众号[爱阅读开心妈] 亲子互动:这首儿歌有专门的动作,一边做动作一边唱。同时,可以观察下家里的公交车玩具或带宝宝坐真的公交车时都可以唱这首歌哦 The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long/all through the town. 公交车的轮子一整天都在不停地转呀转/公交车的轮子一直在小镇里转转转 The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish公交车上的雨刷“刷刷刷”来回摆动/ The doors on the bus go open and shut公交车上的门打开关上,打开关上/ The horn on the bus goes beep, beep,beep公交车上的喇叭滴滴滴响/ The driver on the bus says tickets please, tickets please, tickets please公交车上的司机说请买票、请买票/ The parents on the bus go chat,chat,chat公交车上的父母们一直在聊天、聊天、聊天/ The babys on the bus go wah wah wah公交车上的宝宝们一直“哇哇哇”的哭/ The people on the bus go ssh,ssh,ssh公交车上的人们一直在说“嘘嘘嘘”(别吵了)
上一期: Down by the Station
下一期: Dragon Egg精讲