20160430慢速每周美文晨读 If Dream is Big Enough 如果梦想足够远大

20160430慢速每周美文晨读 If Dream is Big Enough 如果梦想足够远大

2016-04-30    03'50''

主播: 唐山悠贝美丽老师Amily

220 16

If Dream is Big Enough 如果梦想够远大 I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing alone. She would practice dribbling and shooting over and over again, sometimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practiced so much. She looked directly in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, "I want to go to college. The only way I can go is if I get a scholarship. I like basketball. I decided that if I were good enough, I would get a scholarship. I am going to play college basketball. I want to be the best. My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count." Then she smiled and ran towards the court to recap the routine I had seen over and over again. 另外一些时候,她一个人练球,我开始注意观察她的举动。她一般是一遍遍地练习运球和投篮,有时直到天黑。有一天,我问她为什么这么刻苦地练习。她直视着我的眼睛,不假思索地说:“ 我想上大学。只有获得奖学金我才能有钱去上大学。因为我喜欢打篮球,所以我决定了,只要我成为一个出色的球员,我就能获得奖学金。我将能够到大学去打篮球。我想成为最棒的球员。我父亲告诉我说,如果梦想远大,就一定可以克服艰难险阻。”说完她笑了笑,跑向篮球场,又开始我之前见过的一遍又一遍的练习。 began 是begin的过去式 I begin to cook dinner. 我开始做菜。 notice 意识到,注意到 Didn’t you notice that?你难道没有注意到吗? dribble 运球,带球 shoot 射击,投篮 Stand there or I will shoot you!站在那儿别动,不然我就开枪了! over and over again 一次又一次地 You betrayed me over and over again. 你一次又一次地背叛了我。 dark 黑夜 夜晚 practice 练习 If you want to speak English well,you should practice more. directly 直接地 hesitation 犹豫 ,犹豫不决 go to college 去上大学 go to school 去上学 scholarship 奖学金 facts 事实 现实 count 数数,计算,有价值 Let’s count. 让我们数数吧! enough 足够的 good enough 足够好 court 球场 法院 recap 重复 重新 routine 路线 Show me the routine to your hometown. 给我指出去你家乡的路线。