In our culture, the ability to make one's own decisions is important. John F. Kennedy's quote "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." shows an unpleasant truth.
Much of what we know and believe has been taught to us by others, and we often accept this information without spending much time thinking it over for ourselves.
In today's world we are being presented with information, ideas and beliefs, but many of them are against each other. Psychology tells us that if we hear an idea enough times or if it comes from someone we respect, we will probably believe that idea. In these cases, we base our opinions on the opinions of others. If each of us does not think about this information for ourselves and come to our own conclusions, we will become nothing more than parrots, quoting the opinions of others.
Examples of spreading fake news without thought can be seen on the Internet. Some people believe whatever they read and then share the story without thinking about the facts.All it takes is one quick click of the "share" button.And the story travels on its way to influence even more unthinking readers. This can cause serious problems.
If we just stop for a moment to think about what we read and hear, and form our own opinions, we will be more thoughtful, more independent and more creative people, but few take that time. Yet we need not lose heart over this bad habit. In fact, simply becoming aware of it is the first step towards correcting it. Once we become aware that we tend to hold opinions and beliefs without thinking them through, we can change that pattern of behavior. Hopefully, we can learn to experience and enjoy "the discomfort of thought" and form our own opinions.