The capital city of the U.S.A.-Washington.
Welcome to the United States' capital city Washington.
And where better to start than at the White House home of every American president since 1800. The only president never to have lived here is in fact George Washington himself. And here we see the Washington Monument, an obelisk specifically dedicated to the first president.
The city's main function is as the seat of the Government. All the more so, of course, given that the capital of the United States isn't its largest or most dominant city-unlike London in England or Paris in France, for instance.Washington is also the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, the Pentagon. From here the orders went out that led to America's involvement in two world wars and many smaller wars besides. And going back further still, there are many reminders of America's own civil war, back in the mid-19th century. Yes, Washington is a city which leads us to reflect on political power, its uses and abuses. And, as we remember the great ideals on which this nation was founded, we also remember the high price which so many have paid for their realization.