黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)  崔颢(唐)

黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower) 崔颢(唐)

2020-11-13    03'24''

主播: 德成之声

176 0

黄鹤楼 (唐)崔颢 昔人已乘黄鹤去, 此地空余黄鹤楼。 黄鹤一去不复返, 白云千载空悠悠。 晴川历历汉阳树, 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。 日暮乡关何处是? 烟波江上使人愁。 Yellow Crane Tower Cui Hao (Tang Dynasty) The sage on yellow crane was gone amid clouds white. To what avail is Yellow Crane Tower left here? Once gone, the yellow crane will never on earth alight; Only white clouds still float in vain from year to year. By sunlit river trees can be counted one by one; On Parrot Islet sweet green grass grows fast and thick. Where is my native land beyond the setting sun? The mist-veiled waves of River Han make me homesick.