

2020-11-24    04'05''

主播: 德成之声

117 0

Arrangements I've arranged the meeting for 3:30, so I'll pick you up in my car outside of the Grand Hotel at 3:30 and drive you there. Can you wait for me on the pavement just outside the main entrance? We're only expecting other people to come to the meeting, so it shouldn't last too long. When we've finished, I can drop you off at the hotel again, so you should get back to your room by 5:30 at the latest. 安排 我安排好了3:30的会议,3:15时我会把车开到大宾馆外,接你送你到开会地点。你能在正门外的人行道上等我吗? 参加会议的还有另外两个人,所以不会耽误太长时间。 我已结束后,我可以再开车送你回宾馆,这样你最迟能在5:30之前回到你的房间。 arrange v. 安排 pick up 车辆中途接人 expect v. 期待,预期 drop off 使某人下车, 卸下乘客 get back 返回