

2021-09-04    03'06''

主播: 德成之声

248 2

《简爱》句摘 1.     There was such a freezing cold wind, and such heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors.   2.     Lost in the world of imagination, I forgot my sad, lonely existence for a while, and was happy.   3.     He ate too much at meals, which made him ill.   4.     My whole body trembled when he came near.   5.     It hit me and I fell, cutting my head on the door.   6.     And so I was carried upstairs, arms waving and legs kicking.   7.     They both looked at me as if they strongly disapproved of me.   8.     Gradually it became dark outside. The rain was still beating on the windows, and I could hear wind in the trees.   9.     A strange idea came to me. = _____________________________________________________   10.  I was so frightened by this thought that I hardly dared to breathe.   11.  I woke up to find the doctor lifting me very carefully into my own bed.   12.  So the two servants slept in my room, while I lay awake all night, trembling with fear, and eyes wide open in horror, imagining ghosts in every corner.   13.  I took no pleasure in eating or even in reading.   14.  The hopes of starting a new life at school began to fade.   15.  Anger was boiling up inside me.   16.  Even before I had finished (saying what was in my mind) I began to experience a great feeling of freedom and relief.   17.  Life is too short to continue hating anyone for a long time.   18.  Frightened and shaking, I felt everyone’s eyes on me.   19.  Feelings of shame and anger boiled up inside me, but just as I felt I could not bear it any longer, Helen Burns walked past me and lifted her eyes to mine.