思记 (中英文)

思记 (中英文)

2022-06-29    02'14''

主播: 德成之声

155 2

思忆  请记住我,当我离去时,  我去到那遥远的静谧的土地;  那时你再不能牵住我的手,  而我也再不能欲去还留。  请记住我,当你再也不能日复一日  向我诉说着对未来的想望:  只要你还记着我,你明白的  到那时再相劝或祈祷已然迟矣。  但如果你暂时将我遗忘  而后又忆起,请不要忧伤:  因为那黑暗和腐朽之乡,  倘若能留下些许我过去的思想,  我宁愿你能将我微笑地忘记,  也远远胜似你把我悲伤地记起。  Remember  by Christina Georgina Rossetti  Remember me when I am gone away,  Gone far away into the silent land;  When you can no more hold me by the hand,  Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.  Remember me when no more day by day,  You tell me of our future that you plann'd:  Only remember me, you understand  It will be late to counsel then or pray.  Yet if you should forget me for a while  And afterwards remember, do not grieve:  For if the darkness and corruption leave  A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,  Better by far you should forget and smile  Than that you should remember and be sad.