《登幽州台歌》(英汉)  陈子昂 [唐] 翻译:许渊冲

《登幽州台歌》(英汉) 陈子昂 [唐] 翻译:许渊冲

2022-09-09    02'16''

主播: 德成之声

178 0

登幽州台歌 作者:陈子昂[唐] 翻译:许渊冲 朗读:高贵成 前不见古人, 后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而涕下。 On the Tower at Youzhou Chen Zi'ang [Tang Dynasty] Where are the great men of the past; And where are those of future years? The sky and earth forever last; Here and now I alone shed tears. 2022. 09. 09