《No Matter What》
Hello Hello Hello. My name is Laura.
You’re already for bed?
Have you brushed your teeth?
Have you got your Teddy bear with you?
Small in tonight’s bedtime story asks a lot of questions.
今天晚上的睡前故事里 小不点儿问了很多问题?
Would you like to hear about him?
The story is called No Matter What, and it’s by Debi Gliori.这个故事叫No Matter What,作者Debi Gliori。
It’s one of my favorites and I hope you would like it too.
Small was feeling grim and dark.
Playing toss and fling and squash, yell and scream and bang and crash.
Break and snap and bash and battle.“Good grief!” said Large, “What is the matter?”
打断东西,咬阿撞啊打啊,“哦,天呐!” 狐狸妈妈说,“出什么事儿了?”
Small said, ”I’m a grim and grumpy little Small and nobody loves me at all.”
不点儿说:“我是一只糟糕的暴躁的小不点儿, 没有人爱我。”
“Oh Small,” said Large. ”Grumpy or not, I’ll always love you no matter what.”
“哦,小不点儿。” 狐狸妈妈说,“不管脾气暴不暴躁, 我会永远爱你的,不管怎样。”
Small said, “If I was a grizzly bear, would you love me , would care?”
“Oh of course,” said Large, ”Bear or not, I’ll always love you, no matter what.”
“当然了” 狐狸妈妈说,“不管你是不是熊熊,会永远爱你的,不管怎样。”
Small said,”But, if I turned into a bug. Would you still love me and give me a hug?”
小不点儿说:“如果我变成了一只虫子 你还会爱我、抱抱我吗?”
“Of course I would.” said Large, “Bug or not, I’ll always love you no matter what.”
“我当然会了。” 狐狸妈妈说 ,“不管你是不是虫虫,我会永远爱你,不管怎样。”
“No matter what?” said Small and smiled.” What if I was a crocodile?”
不管怎样 小不点儿说 笑了 如果我是一只鳄鱼呢
Large said,” I’d hug you close and tight, and tuck you up in bed each night.”
狐狸妈妈说:“我会紧紧的抱住你, 每天晚上轻轻的给你盖上被子。”
“Does love wear out?” said Small, “ Does it break or bend? Can you fix it, Stick it ? Does it mend?”
“爱会消退吗?” 小不点儿说,“ 她会不会坏掉?被弄弯?你会修吗?会修好吗?
“Oh help.” said Large,” I’m not that clever, I just know I’ll love you forever.”
“哦帮帮忙。” 狐狸妈妈说,“ 我没那么聪明,我只知道我会永远爱你。”
Small said” But what about when we were dead and gone, would you love me then? Does love go on ?”
Large helped Small snug, as they looked out at the night, at the moon and the dark, and the stars shinning bright.
“Small, look at the stars, how they shine and glow. Some of those stars died a long time ago. Still they shine in the evening skies. Love like starlight never dies...”
小不点儿说:“ 看看那些星星,他们如何地发光 一闪一闪的。 但是他们有些已经死去很久了。 他们仍然在夜空中闪烁着,爱就像星光,永远不会死去...“
That story was called No Matter What. And I hope you enjoyed it.
这个故事叫做《不管怎样》, 我希望你喜欢。
I think Small had all his questions answered.
Now the stars are shinning bright. So that must be the time for you to go to bed.
I’ll see you soon for another bedtime story. Night night