英语故事:The Pizza Machine

英语故事:The Pizza Machine

2017-01-12    07'43''

主播: 英语故事课堂

75 3

In Spain there's a new way to get your fast food,through a new machine,called "pizza magic".The machine can talk to customers,"Would you like a pizza?"If you say"yes",the pizza machine will cook your pizza in two minutes.The cost is $1.80 per pizza,and the company hopes to sell 97 million pizzas in three years.The machine can speak ten languages.Don't be surprise some day when machines start trying to sell us noodles and stir-fried rice with eggs. Spain[speɪn]西班牙 machine[məˈʃin]机器 customer[ˈkʌstəmɚ]顾客 cost[kɔ:st]花费 company[ˈkʌmpəni]公司,陪伴 million[ˈmɪljən]百万 language[ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]语言