【英语故事】Can you read?

【英语故事】Can you read?

2017-12-05    06'14''

主播: 英语故事课堂

212 4

Sam lives in the countryside.One day he went to town to have dinner.So he went to a restaurant and sat down at a table.When he looked around,he saw many old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers,so after lunch he went to buy some glasses. The man in the shop let him try on a lot of glasses,but Sam always said,"No,I can't read with these." The man was more and more surprised.Finally,he said,"Excuse me,but can you read?" "No,of course I can't!"Sam said,"That's why I want to buy glasses.I think they can help me read." 山姆住在乡下,有一天,他进城去赴宴。入席而坐以后,他审视着周围,发现很多人都戴着眼镜读报纸,于是饭后他也去买了一副眼镜。 眼镜店老板让他试戴一些眼镜,但是他总是说:“我带上这些没法读书。” 老板越来越惊讶,最后,老板说:“不好意思,你真的会读书吗?” “不会啊!”山姆回答,“所以我才要买一副眼镜嘛!” countryside ['kʌntrɪsaɪd]:乡下 glass [ɡlæs]:玻璃 glasses ['glæsɪz]:眼镜 surprised [sɚ'praɪzd]:惊喜 put on:穿上,戴上