【英语故事】A silly man

【英语故事】A silly man

2017-12-27    04'56''

主播: 英语故事课堂

343 6

A man was very hungry,and he went to buy cakes at a snack bar.When he ate the first cake,he found he was still hungry,and so he ate a second one.He felt so hungry.After seven cakes,he was not hungry.Suddenly,he had an idea."Ah,if I eat the seventh one first,I only need to buy one cake,and I can save six yuan." 有个人非常的饿,于是就去零食店买了几块蛋糕。当他吃完一块的时候,还是感觉很饿,于是就吃了第二块。但无论怎么吃,还是感觉非常的饿。在吃完第七个蛋糕之后,他突然感到饱了。于是他就想,“啊,如果我一开始就吃第七块蛋糕,我就只需要买一块蛋糕就好了,那样就能省下6元钱了!” suddenly ['sʌdənli]:突然 sudden death :突然死亡法(足球术语,常用于淘汰赛。) second ['sɛkənd]:第二,秒 snack [snæk]:零食