双语诵读  《镜子》  作者 :冯晏

双语诵读 《镜子》 作者 :冯晏

2017-04-28    05'50''

主播: 温雅慧如

171 7

镜子 The Mirror By Fengyan Tr·Xinmeng Reciter:Wenyahuiru 鏡子里的我,靜默里有鐵路 左腦醒來一隻花豹, 漂浮在森林。 我流亡的精神, 在玻璃杯河边饮水。 孤独是一只斧头, 砍掉真相,我的诗句像一道缝合的疤。 肺里,我吸入青花水印, 肾里的宇宙有几颗陨石飞行 镜子里的我刚穿过梦中瀑布, 幽闭在观望。 眼睛和嘴唇,是爬到岸上滑动的海豚 牛角梳,我的右手清晨牵着西域的牛……。 我与空气日渐成为一种急救关系, 就像粮食和难民。 镜子里的我是精细的, 她听到生活发出撕纸的刺耳声。 然而,粗糙是一种诱惑,始终都是。 The mirror I was in the mirror, in silence, there were rails The left brain waked up, With a leopard floating in the forest. My exiled spirit was drinking water in the glass river Loneliness was an ax Which cut off the truth, my verses were like a sutured scar. Inside my lungs, blue and white watermarks were inhaled , In the universe of my kidney,a few meteorites were flying. I just passed through the dream waterfalls in the mirror, Claustrophobia was on the sidelines. Eyes and lips were dolphins which pull themselves onto the shore Horn comb, my right hand was holding the western cattle in the morning The relationship between air and me was increasingly becoming an emergency. Just like food and refugees. I was delicate in the mirror She heard the life tearing paper with jangles Roughness, however, is a kind of temptation, always is.