夜行 (双语版)作者: 朱鸿宾

夜行 (双语版)作者: 朱鸿宾

2016-11-11    05'50''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

81 5

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~《夜行》 Nightwalk​朱鸿宾 (刀客) By Zhu Hongbin(Swordsman​) Tr. Xin Meng Reciter : Ying Chun  ​ 黑夜里以酒祭刀 一碗又一碗 浓于黄河水的北方烧 一点就着火​ Offering wine for sacrifice to knife In the night A bowl after another  Beifangshao that is more full-bodied than water Is easy on fire 酒是好东西 一醉就回到故乡的麦场 刀早就钝了 山月开刃   井水抛光 日行千里的黑马,也老了 草料无多,涛声正好解渴 Wine is something good I would come back to the wheat field of hometown When drunk The  knife has been blunt for a long time The moon over the mountain is edged  Well water is polished The black horse which was good at running has also been old Forages are few, rote can just quench my thirst. 一封家书揣在行囊 不停催促脚步,快点再快点 半生漂泊,父母均已老迈 晚风在左,月影在右 归心比飞刀更锋利   刀刀见血 儿子已长大成人 不认识爹,但认识背后这把刀​ A letter from home in the luggage Constantly urged my footsteps,  Hurry, hurry up I have roved for half a lifetime ,my parents are very old Night breeze is on the left, the moon shadow on the right Nostalgia for home is sharper than fly-cutter  It's sharp enough to draw blood My son has grown up He doesn't know his dad,  But recognizes the knife on the back of his dad