表白(英文版)作者: 海东青

表白(英文版)作者: 海东青

2016-12-05    02'57''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

49 2

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~● 表白​​ Words from the Heart 作者:海东青.诗僧 总有一天我们会老去 让我先走一步 和黄昏一起沉寂 One day we will be old Let me leave first I'll be in silence together with dusk 黎明时分 把我放进一本黑白相册 将五颜六色拒之门外 At dawn Please put me in a black and white photo album Other colors should be shut out 你会发现过去的误会 其实 都与颜色有关 You would find the misunderstanding in the past Actually, Were related to colors 黑白相册中的我 淡然质朴 素颜如初  I who was in the black and white photo album Would be cool and plain Without facial makeup as what l was like 黑色的影子 和腐朽的身体一起 沉睡在黑色墓碑之下 The black figure with the decayed body Slept under the black tombstone​ 白净的灵魂 和朦胧的影像一道 依偎在白云身旁 The clean soul With a hazy image Leant close to the white clouds 若有一天你化作了风 我仍会 紧紧牵住你衣角​ If you turned into the wind one day I would still  Cling your skirts tightly