月夜思(英文版) 作者:孤烟

月夜思(英文版) 作者:孤烟

2017-04-17    09'13''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

178 11

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 月夜思 Thinking on the Moon Night​ 作者/孤烟 By ​ Solitary Smoke​ Tr. Xinmeng​ Reciter: Yingchun ​ 明月逐圆,遥遥大漠,万阑俱静。 清风徐徐,抚过粗糙的脸庞, 万里沙滩上的一抹黑线, 疲惫的凝望天际苍穹: 墨蓝的天空,星星时隐时现, 飘荡孤寂的白云,带走了中秋的遥思。 The light moon gradually becomes circle ,  In the distant desert everything is quiet.  A breeze blows, touching the rough face.  A black line on the thousands miles sand gazes at the sky tiredly:  On the black blue sky, the stars are flickering  And the lonely floating white clouds takes the missing on the Mid-Autumn away.  战士流泪静默, 大漠辽阔安静, 孤烟万里迁徙, 觅迹疆场喋血。 挥戈强入群敌, 战神飚飞, 血狼仰天长啸, 人生豪迈几何? 挥血如雨, 嗷嗷战车,伤痕累累; 弃尸熬搏,肉腐衣破, 热血男儿,生命喋血, 一息尚存,绝不退缩。 犯我华夏者,虽远必诛。 Soldiers were tearing in silent, The desert was peaceful and vast Solitary smoke migrated for thousands of miles, Tracing the battlefield with bloodshed . Leading troops to battle Fighting against the powerful enemies, Mars flew The Blood Wolf yelled to the sky,  How bold and generous the life is? With blood bleeding as rain, the chariot with scars; Discarding corpses and suffering fighting, The body ​​​​were rotten with ragged clothing. The warm-blooded sons were bloodbathing, And as long as they have a breath ,   they would not be back down.   If the enimies violated our Chinese, Though it is very far from us ,  We would be sure to kill them 无论何时何地, 无论何猫何狗何鬼, 无论何誘何恊何难, 绝不可侵我国土一寸, 绝不许欺神州儿女。 国之利刃,钢铁忠魂, 人民卫士,为国为民为家园, 虽舍生忘死,以身食狼, 亦必全歼殆尽。 血狼团队,傲护九州, 雪域大漠,昆仑天山, 绿洲海岸,潜夜奔袭, 任尔虎豹熊狗豺妖, 战神撵过,无不通通完美狩猎。 ​ No matter when and where, No matter which cat, dog or ghost ,  No matter who tempted, threatens or  how difficult, We would never permit  to invade our homeland even only one inch, Never permit to bully Chinese, The  sword of the country, the loyal soldiers like iron and steel, The people's guard, for country , for people and their homes, Though risking their lives,  eaten by the wolves,  Will wipe out all the enemy troops .  The Blood Wolf team protected China proudly--- Snow area and desert , Kunlun and Tianshan mountain, Oasis and the coast  They lurked in the night and attack the enimies suddenly , No matter the enimies were tigers, leopards,  bears , dogs, jackals or demons, Mars appeared,  they all would be hunted perfectly.  黑暗消逝,曙光踏来, 硝烟散去,草原大漠再次焕发勃勃生机。 疲惫的汉子,倒在漫漫黄沙里, 亲手掩埋了忠诚的热血兄弟, 徐徐清风带走了战友的魂魄, 随云彩远去他乡。 月上树稍,凝望天空, 流泪沉默不语。 思乡情浓,思母泪流, 万家团圆,游子大漠,感怀万千。 望月遥思,黄沙万里,茫茫无际, 手摸心口,眺望黄河, 白云悠悠,天际星耀, 孤烟一片,浓寄乡情, 人安为盼,舒心为前, 遥祝父母安康, 静盼兄妹安心, 虽坎坷无数, 仍无法阻隔, 孤狼强势回归。 等待是一种心态, 等待是一种思念, 等待是一种祝福, 等待也是对亲人中秋情深意切的真诚遥思。 Darkness dies away, dawn comes,  Smoke of gunpowder disperses,  The grassland and the desert are full of vigor again. The tired man lied in the boundless sands  And buried their loyal warm-blooded brothers by themselves, The breezes took the souls of their comrades away slowly To other places far away from home with the clouds .  When the moon rises over the treetop, Gazing at the sky, they tears silently . The nostalgia is so strong, They miss their mothers with tears flowing, When families get together, All sorts of feelings well up in their minds. Thinking on the full moon night ,  Thousands of miles of sand is boundless ,  Touching his heart, overlooking the Yellow River, The long white clouds, the stars are twinkling in the sky,  Solitary smoke sends his missing to the hometown ,  Wish the loved safe , comfortable,  Wish parents healthy,  brothers and sisters relieved.  Although there are innumerable troubles ,  Nothing can block a lonely wolf's will who must  go back home .  Waiting is a state of mind,  A kind of yearning, A kind of blessing, Waiting is also sincerely missing to relatives  on the Mid-Autumn festival .  ​