2005 Chrismas Special Episode-- The Chrismas Invasion
-10th: My head!...I‘m having a neuron implosin. I need...
-Jackie: What do you need? Tell me!Tell me! Tell me!
-10th:I need...
-Jackie:Painkillers? D’you need aspirin?
-10th:I need..
-Jackie:Codeine? Paracetamol? Peptp-Bismol?
-10th:I need...
-Jackie:Liquid paraffin?Vitamin C? VitaminD? Vitamin E?
-10th: I need..
-Jackie: Is it food? Something simple? A bowl of soup? A nice bowl of soup. Soup and a sandwich? Soup and a little ham sandwich?
-10th: I need you to shut up.
-Jackie: oh,He hasn‘t changed that much, has he?
-10th:We haven’t got much time. If there‘s pilot fish, then....Why’s there an apple in my dressing gown?
-Jackie:That‘s Howard, sorry.
-10th:He keeps apples in his dressing gown?
-Jackie:He gets hungry.
-10th:He gets hungry in his sleep?
-10th: 头好痛..我的神经元在内爆..我需要..
-10th: 给我...
-10th:我们没什么时间了。若外面有引水鱼, 那我们就...为什么睡衣口袋里会有个苹果?