"Hello, I&`&m the Doctor. And, if you can hear this, then one of us is going to die."
At the bottom of the sea, in the wreck of a floating radio station, a lost recording has been discovered. After careful restoration, it is played for the first time - to reveal something incredible. It is the voice of the Doctor, broadcasting from Radio Bravo in 1966. He has travelled to Earth in search of the Hush - a terrible weapon that kills, silences and devours anything that makes noise - and has tracked it to a boat crewed by a team of pirate DJs. With the help of feisty Liverpudlian Layla and some groovy pop music, he must trap the Hush and destroy it - before it can escape and destroy the world...
Plot Edit
to be added
Cast Edit
Tenth Doctor
The Hush
References Edit
Species Edit
The Doctor mentions the Silurians.
Though never explicitly stated, it is strongly implied that the Hush was a weapon built by the Time Lords for use against the Daleks in the Last Great Time War.
Cultural References Edit
When Layla discovers the Doctor isn&`&t human, the Doctor asks her if that doesn&`&t surprise her. She replies "When you&`&ve met The Beatles nothing surprises you," the band being an important part of 1960s culture.
The Doctor compares the destruction The Hush will leave behind to Pinky and Perky by saying "Seriously, if that thing gets transmitted, it will be worse than a Pinky and Perky B-Side".
Tommo figures non-stop music played on their radio station will be a success, saying the catch phrase "Thunderbirds Are Go!". Thunderbirds was a popular puppet show in England in the 1960s.
Notes Edit
The announcement of this release in early 2010 appears to have taken some by surprise. BBC Audio, as well as Doctor Who Magazine promoted the preceding audio, AUDIO: The Last Voyage as the final Tenth Doctor audio adventure.
This release is unusual for the new series audios in featuring the Doctor narrating the story in the first person. It also takes the form of a drama more than an audio book, similar to Big Finish Productions&`& Companion Chronicles series.
The story was also available as a download from the AudioGO website before the company went into administration.
This is the first original audio story to be narrated by the Doctor since Doctor Who and the Pescatons in 1976.
This story won the Best Audiobooks of the Year award in 2010.
Continuity Edit
The Doctor mentions Donna Noble. (TV: Journey&`&s End)
The Doctor previously encountered a sound creature that could steal voices. (AUDIO: Ghost in the Machine)
The Doctor mentions the number of labyrinths he&`&s been chased through, but that he usually has a ball of wool. (TV: The Horns of Nimon