10th: Oh! You are beautiful! Oh really, You are! You‘re gorgeous! Look at that! Space and clockwork, I love that! I‘ve got chills, listen, seriously.. I mean this from the heart, and by the way, count those. It would be a crime, it would be an art of vandalism to disassemble you, but it won‘t stop me.
噢,你真精致啊!不,真的,你真的好漂亮!你们快看!太空时代的时钟,我最喜欢了!我都起鸡皮疙瘩了!你听我讲,真的,我是由衷发自内心的啊,而且顺便一提,是两个内心。 但如果把你分解可能是一种犯罪,也可能是一次对文物的破坏,但,这并不能阻止我。