DW204- 10th and the Horse

DW204- 10th and the Horse

2015-04-26    00'36''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

69 14

-10th: Rose? (To horse)Will you stop following me? I‘m not your mother. So this is where you come from, eh, horsey? Rose? 你能不跟着我吗,我又不是你妈妈。。。所以你就是从这里来吗?马仔 ------------------ -10th: Rose, take Micky and Arthur, get after it, follow it. Don‘t approach it just watch what it does. Rose,带上Micky和Arthur去,跟着它,不要靠近它就只看它干什么就行了。 -Rose: Arthur? -10th: Good name for a horse. 对于一只马来说这个名字够好的了。 -Rose: No, you are not keeping the horse. 不行!你不看着这只马吗? -10th: I let you keep Micky. Now, gogogo. 我是让你看着Micky!现在,快去吧!