S2E9 The Satan Pit
-10th: I didn‘t ask. Have you have any sort of faith?
-Ida:Not really.. I was brought uo Neo-Classic Congregational.(新古典主义理教会)Because of my mun.. she was.. My old mum. but no, I never believed.
-10th:Neo-classic.Have they got a devil?(他们有魔鬼的传说吗?)
-Ida:No, not a such, just..um.. the things that man do. 只讨论人的行为
-10th: Same thing in the end.. 都是一回事
-Ida:What about you?
-10th: I,, I believe I haven't seen everything... I don’t know.. it‘s funny, isn’t it, the thing you make up, the rules. If that thing said that it came from beyond the universe, I‘d believed it. But before the universe? Impossible. Dosen‘t fit my rule. Still, that‘s why I keep traveling, to be proved wrong.Thank you Ida..
-Ida: Don’t go..
-10th: If they get back in touch. If you can talk to Rose, just tell her.. Tell her.. oh she knows...
-Rose: Doctor, are you there? Doctor? Ida? Can you hear me?