Martha: Time was every single one of these people knew your name. Now they allve forgetten you.
10th: Good.
Jack: Back to work.
10: I really dont mind, though. Come with me.
Jack: Had plenty of time to think that past year. The year that never was. That I kept thinking about that team of mine. Like you said Doctor, responsibility.
10: Defending the earth. Cant argue with that.
Jack: Hey I need that.
10: I cant have you walking aroud with the Time-traveling teleport. You could go anywhere, twice. Second time to apologize.
Jack: And what about me? Can you fix that? Will I ever be able to die?
10: Nothing I can do. You re impossible thing, Jack.
Jack: Been called that before. Sir. Ma'am. But I keep wondering, what about aging? Cause I cant die but I keep getting older. The odd little grey hair, you know? What happen if I live for a million years?
10: I really dont know.
Jack: Well, ok..Vanity.. sorry. Yeah. Cant help it. U sed to be a poster boy when I was a kid, living in the Boeshane Peninsula. Tiny little place. I was first one ever to be signed for the Time Agency. They were so pround of me. The Face of Boe they called me. Ill see you.
10: No...
Martha: It cant be!
10: No... Definately not! no!..........