Jack and the Flumflum Tree Song
By Julia Donaldson
Jack had a granny and his granny had spots,
Great big purple ones, lots and lots.
The doctor came and he shook his head.
“Your granny has the moozles,” the doctor said,
“And the only cure in the world,” said he,
“Is the fruit that grows on the flumflum tree,
And the only place that the flumflum grows
Is the faraway Isle of Blowyernose.”
So Jack built a boat, and Jack found a crew –
Red-cheeked Rose and stubble-cheeked Stu -
And he said to Stu, and he said to Rose,
“We’re off to the Isle of Blowyernose.”
Granny came down to the dock with Jack,
And she gave him a bulgy patchwork sack(膨胀的大麻包袋).
And in that sack were some wooden spoons,
A porridge bowl, tent pegs, and lots of balloons.
There was Granny’s old skipping rope, some chewing gum,
Three spotty hankies and a tom-tom drum.
And Jack said, “Granny, what is the use of those?”
“Aha,” said Granny, and she tapped her nose.
Then off sailed Jack, with Stu and Rose,
For the faraway Isle of Blowyernose.
“Sharks!” cried Rose. “Lots!” cried Stu.
“They’ll gobble us! They’ll guzzle us! What shall we do?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” said Jack.
“Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack.
Granny’s balloons should do the trick!
Puff, puff, blow ’em up, let’em go, quick!”
Then the sharks went NIP and the sharks went GNASH,
Chasing those balloons with a BANG POP SPLASH.
“A leak!” cried Rose.
“It’s wet!” cried Stu.
“The boat is full of water. Whatever shall we do?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” said Jack.
“Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack.
Granny’s pack of chewing gum that should do the trick.
Chew it and stretch it, and stick it in, quick!”
So they chewed and they stretched and they plugged that hole,
And they baled out the water with Ganny‘s porridge bowl.
Then on sailed Jack, with Stu and Rose,
For the faraway Isle of Blowyernose.
“Whoops!” cried Rose. “Help!” cried Stu.
“I can’t swim for toffee! Whatever will you do?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist!” said Jack.
“Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack.”
“Granny’s old skipping rope,that should do the trick.
Keep calm and holdonto the handle quick!
So they heaved and they hauled and they pulled Stu in.
“Good old Granny! She’s saved my skin!”
Then on sailed Jack, with Stu and Rose,
Till they came to the Isle of Blowyernose.
And there on a hill, for all to see,
Stood the bright green feathery flumflum tree.
“It’s tall!” cried Rose. “It’s smooth!” cried Stu.
“It’s not got any branches! Whatever shall we do?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” said Jack.
“Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack.
Granny’s bag of tent pegs they should do the trick!
Bang, bang, knock ’em in, climb up quick!”
Then up went Rose, as nimble as could be
And she brought down the fruit of the flumflum tree.
Then Jack and Stu and Rose had a doze
On the soft sandy beach of Blowyernose.
“A thief!” cried Rose. “A monkey!” yelled Stu.
“He’s got our precious flumflum! Whatever shall we do?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” said Jack.
“Let’s have a look in the patchwork sack.
Granny‘s spoons and the tom-tom(鼓) they should do the trick!
Pick-em up, thump thump, sing a song quick!”
The monkey crept closer.
He listened to the tunes,
Then he put down the flumflum and he grabbed the wooden spoons.
Then back sailed Jack, with Stu and Rose,
All the way home from Blowyernose.
Granny ate the flumflum.
The moozles disappeared.
“She’s cured!” said the doctor, and every one cheered.
And Jack said, “Thank you for the pair of wooden spoons,
The porridge bowl, the skipping rope, and the red and blue balloons.
Thank you for the tent pegs and the pack of chewing gum,
And thank you, Granny, for the tom-tom drum.
But the three spotty hankies –what was the use of those?
“The hankies, silly, were to blow your nose.